LMS for PARTNER Training


LMS for Partners Training

Every organization’s success depends on how well their Channel partners, distributors, resellers, and vendors are managed. Just like in-house sales teams, channel partners require onboarding and ongoing training (perhaps even more so). Yet, many companies don’t offer them the same quality of learning as the in-house team because it’s perceived as a difficult and time-consuming affair. With Wagons LMS you can create and distribute partner-focused training to get them up-to-date on brand messaging, products, and procedures. All activities is tracked so you know which partners need an extra push to reach competency or achieve certification. You can assign similar requirements as the in-house sales team, such as Video Assessments, and quizzes or assessments to know they’re delivering the best to every customer.

  • Anywhere, anytime, any device - Partners are on-the-move and need to be able to access the latest training from anywhere, around the clock.
  • Channel partner compliance - Assess channel partners with compliance courses designed and built to safeguard your organization.
  • Off-the-shelf Sales Mastery courses - Wagons LMS training content library offers a suite of quick, relevant, video-based courses to improve selling skills. Choose topics like prospecting, probing, pitching , objection handling, sales closing skills & many more.
  • Tracking and reporting - With Wagons LMS Training, you can track completion and assessment progress by quickly running built-in reports. Progress can be tracked from an organizational and individual level, and external managers can see any reports they need.
  • Partner-focused features & Induction - Just because they’re not under your roof doesn’t mean partners shouldn’t take advantage of built-in capabilities such as Video Assessments for perfecting pitches or intro calls, and Boost for reinforcing key product knowledge.Induction training programs are created and stored on Wagons LMS to train new channel partners before commencing on your projects.